
2011 Congratulations Girls!!

Congratulations to all the girls who tried out for the IRA guard.  It was a grueling month full of drills, skills and try-outs.  Congratulations to Kate, Em, Robyn, Dakota, Tori, Hannah, Briana, Christina, Lexi and Jaidyn!

 Also, welcome to all our new members!  We're so glad you've joined us!


Thank You Grandpa Gray!

Albert Gray, grandfather of one of our members, made 4 mini rifles for the younger girls on the team.  All the girls thought this was wonderful and decided to make a sign and have their photo taken as a thank you to Grandpa Gray!

Thank you Grandpa Gray!!

Here he is ... Baby Bobby!!!

Here's the little man we've all been anxiously waiting to meet ... Baby Bobby.  Just look at those big beautiful eyes!  Graceanne and Bob have been blessed with this beautiful baby boy.  Congratulations again!!

The girls presented Graceanne and Kelly All Saints Colorguard Onesies for Baby Bobby and Kelly's baby boy Harrison, who's due in December. 

Open House Photos

Tonight's Open House was a lot of fun!  The girls put on a mini exhibition for visitors and potential recruits.  A lot of people showed up, everyone had a chance to try out a piece of equipment and everyone had a great time. 

Here are a few photos from tonight....

Some of Our Coaches ...
Kelly, Graceanne, Danielle and Maureen (aka Nomoe)



We will be holding an Exhibition/OPEN HOUSE on Friday 9/16 from 6pm-8pm at
St. Jerome's Gym in North Weymouth.

Bring your family and check it out!

If you think Color Guard might be the sport for you, come to our OPEN HOUSE
and have a chance to watch us practice and try
out some of the equipment yourself!

Don’t be shy, give it a try!Color Guard is something
EVERYONE can do.
Come on down and see what we are all about!

We are accepting registrations from:

Girls ages 4 through 20
Boys ages 14 through 20
through September.

***Members are not required to be Parishoners of St. Albert’s or any other local parish***
All are welcome to join!

For more information please email:
